Overlay individual data points for rCharts / highcharts boxplot

498 views Asked by At

I am trying to overlay individual subjects' data-points/scores to boxplots I've created with rCharts. I have seen one option from HighCharts is to create the boxplots as 'objects' which may be a clue as to how to get an individual's points into the boxplots (and this leaves open the ability to loop over all the individuals' scores across all categories).

My Vanilla boxplots are:

#Create a new Highchart
h2 <- Highcharts$new()
h2$set(series = list(list(name = "all scores", data = cat.stats)))

#Add axis details
  categories = levels(longdata$category)

  min = 0,
  max = 100,
  tickInterval = 10,
  title = list(text = 'Scores (%)')  

#Define the type of plot
  type = 'boxplot',
  inverted = 'true')

#Give it a title
  text = 'Your functioning across four domains and overall compared to the whole group'

Which gives me: enter image description here

What I want though is handled in STATA (but without the interactivity): enter image description here

What would be great is also the ability to add in a 'cut-score' line in the 'overall' category.


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