Overcoat custom server response for each resource path mapping to a class

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I am attempting to consume a REST service in an iOS app. I am using Overcoat.

In my OVCHTTPRequestOperationManager subclass I have the following:

+ (NSDictionary *)modelClassesByResourcePath {
    return @{
            @"users/*" : [SCUser class],
            @"user/*" : [SCUser class],
            @"card/*" : [SCCreditCard class],
            @"cards*" : [SCCreditCard class]

+ (NSDictionary *)responseClassesByResourcePath{
    return @{
             @"cards" : [SCCardResponse class]

I want to serialize a JSON payload like this:

    "total": 2,
    "cards": [
            "balance": 1000.0,
            "ownerName": "Test One",
            "balance": 100.0,
            "ownerName": "Test Two",

So far all is good, but when I try to get the cards from the response object, I get an array of NSDictionaryobjects, and not an array of SCCreditCard objects.

Has anyone had this? How to solve it?


There are 1 answers

Tiago Veloso On

I've solved it, there was an extra * in the modelClassesByResourcePath method:

+ (NSDictionary *)modelClassesByResourcePath {
    return @{
            @"users/*" : [SCUser class],
            @"user/*" : [SCUser class],
            @"card/*" : [SCCreditCard class],
            @"cards" : [SCCreditCard class]

All working now.