Outlook 2013 add-in with VS 2010

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Sorry for asking such a stupid question, but i googled for about two hours and couldn't find an answer to my question:

How can i develop an Outlook 2013 add-in?

I have an add-in which was created in C# 2010 and for Outlook 2010. Now i would like to extend it in that way, that in Outlook 2013 are the two explorer events InlineResponse and InlineResponseClose.

I searched for a never version of the VSTO and PIA, but every website told me that these are for VS 2012 only?

Can someone of you explain me what i need to extend this add-in or show me a link where this is described? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but i'm a bit stressed out after that.


There are 3 answers


The project is a classic Office add in dll and not one of the new 'apps' Microsoft introduced in this Office version. And you are right, as i want to keep it as a dll.

Now i solved my problem this way, that i use some unmanaged Code with interfaces and so on (Oleviewer helped a lot) to get the InlineResponse event.

Thanks for your answers here.

Magnum On

Unfortunately, you cannot. Office 2013 is an 'app' based platform similar to the "Microsoft Marketplace' and will use JavaScript as the main communicative tool between different office applications. As a result, the basic project stack that now gets created with VS2012 for Office 2013 deployment is

  • App1.html – Sample webpage
  • App1.xml – Manifest file
  • App1.js – Script file
  • App1.css – Cascading Style Sheet
  • Office.js – Office class library file

2010 will interpret this as a website.

Test On

outlook 2010 add-in works with 2010 only. if you want to make this add-in compatible with all versions like 2007, 2010 and 2013. One way is to open that add-in VS2013 and compile it. You get few compilation error as this was developed with 2010. Fix those errors..thats it :). you will get what you want