i am trying to work with this open source log viewer (otroslogviewer) which is very nice but i cant seem to create the pattern that will work with the log4j pattern that i am using in my software.
my log4j pattern is: %p [%t] (%C{1}:%M():%L) %d{dd/MM/yyyy-HH:mm:ss,SSS} S:%X{serviceType} N:%X{requestID}- %m%n
there is very little documentation about how to work with otroslogviewer and create the pattern that you want.
maybe someone here has worked with otroslogviewer and can help out.
A bit late, but if it can help others: this Pattern works like a charm using "LogMX" log viewer. I've tested it with a log event like:
INFO [thread] (MyClass:method():4513) 26/04/2012-10:25:49,541 S:Service N:ReqID- Test