So this seems to have been discussed on stackoverflow but still it doesn't solve my problem and hence here is the question:
1. Logged into mac NOT as a root user. But I do have administrative privileges.
2. Installed Fuse for macos (3.7.1) (
3. Rebooted mac.
4. Installed sshfs (2.5.0) (
5. sudo mkdir ~/mount (Location I want to mount the linux volume)
6. sudo sshfs myuser@myserver:/folderToMount ~/mount
7. Also tried: sudo sshfs -o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_rsa myuser@myserver:/folderToMount ~/mount -o auto_cache,reconnect,defer_permissions
I get the following error:
mount_osxfuse: the file system is not available (255)
Any help would be appreciated.