osquery on-demand yara scan Error: no such column: pattern

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I'm trying to run on-demand yara scan in osqueryi using 'pattern' constraints but that column is not there and getting error below. Am i missing something on how to use pattern constraints?

select * from yara where pattern="/bin/%sh" and sig_group="sig_group_1";
Error: no such column: pattern

Just referencing the osquery yara documentation here that i followed: https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/stable/deployment/yara/

osquery> SELECT * FROM yara WHERE pattern="/bin/%sh" AND sigfile="/Users/wxs/sigs/baz.sig";
| path      | matches | count | sig_group | sigfile                 | pattern  |
| /bin/bash |         | 0     |           | /Users/wxs/sigs/baz.sig | /bin/%sh |
| /bin/csh  |         | 0     |           | /Users/wxs/sigs/baz.sig | /bin/%sh |
| /bin/ksh  |         | 0     |           | /Users/wxs/sigs/baz.sig | /bin/%sh |
| /bin/sh   |         | 0     |           | /Users/wxs/sigs/baz.sig | /bin/%sh |
| /bin/tcsh |         | 0     |           | /Users/wxs/sigs/baz.sig | /bin/%sh |
| /bin/zsh  |         | 0     |           | /Users/wxs/sigs/baz.sig | /bin/%sh |

And the table schema of yara don't have column 'pattern' either: https://osquery.io/schema/4.8.0/#yara


There are 1 answers

seph On

Those linked docs appear to be out of date. As you point out, there is no pattern column.

It looks like you should be able to use a pattern on path. From the examples in the source code:

select * from yara where path LIKE '/etc/%'

(I don't use yara, and can't easily confirm this)