OSMnx: Create rectangular building footprints

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I'm using the sample "make_plot" function shown in the example page on the OSMnx repo page to generate maps of building footprints. The output is a square image, is there any way to adjust the height and width to produce a rectangular file?

I made some changes to the example to use the geometries module instead of the deprecated footprints:

def make_plot(place, point, dist, network_type='all', bldg_color='#FF0000', dpi=300,
            street_widths = {
                "footway": 0.5,
                "steps": 0.5,
                "pedestrian": 0.5,
                "service": 0.5,
                "path": 0.5,
                "track": 0.5,
                "primary": 0.5,
                "secondary": 0.5,
                "trunk": 1,
                "motorway": 2 ,
gdf = ox.geometries.geometries_from_point(center_point=point, tags={'building':True}, dist=dist)
fig, ax = ox.plot_figure_ground(point=point, dist=dist, network_type=network_type,
                                default_width=default_width, street_widths=street_widths, save=False, show=False, close=True, bgcolor='#343434')
fig, ax = ox.plot.plot_footprints(gdf, ax=ax, color=bldg_color,
                            save=True, show=False, close=True, filepath="images/{}.png".format(place), dpi=dpi)

make_plot(place, point, dist)


There are 1 answers

gboeing On BEST ANSWER

The output is a square image, is there any way to adjust the height and width to produce a rectangular file?

You are querying a square area, so your plot of the results is correspondingly square. If you query a non-square area, you get a non-square plot:

import osmnx as ox
ox.config(use_cache=True, log_console=True)
gdf = ox.geometries_from_place('Piedmont, CA, USA', tags={'building':True})
fig, ax = ox.plot_footprints(gdf)

rectangular plot

Note that you get a fig, ax back, and you can of course resize your figure the usual matplotlib way: fig.set_size_inches(9, 3). Note that this resizes your figure rather than stretch it (e.g., from a square to a rectangle). Also note that all OSMnx plotting functions take an optional figsize argument. See the documentation.

I made some changes to the example to use the geometries module instead of the deprecated footprints

The examples were updated a month ago when OSMnx v0.16.0 was released, to reflect the new geometries module. Any references to the deprecated footprints module were removed then as well.