Orika mapping from one object to another object

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I have a class that has 2 different objects under same class:

public class Customer {
    //Source Attr
    public Addr addr;

    public AddressDTO custAddr;


public class Addr {

    public String street_Name;
    public String home_Num;
    public String post_code;

public class AddressDTO {

    public String streetName;
    public String homeNum;
    public String postcode;

I am trying to map Addr -> AddressDTO object in Customer Object:

ClassMapBuilder<?,?> classMapper = factory.classMap(Customer.class, Customer.class).classMap.field(addr.street_Name, custAddr.streetName).byDefault().register();

Customer source = new Customer();
Addr addr = new Addr("streetname","123","456");

Customer target = mapper.map(source,Customer.class);

When I run this, i get this error:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.String is an unsupported source class for constructing instances of com.domain.AddressDTO


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