Org-level self-hosted Github runner

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Struggling to deploy self-hosted runner on org-level. All prerequisites like token, cert-manger, controller itself all in place, but when I deploy the runner its not scaling up. Manager of controller gives messages below.

 2023-11-23T08:28:25Z    DEBUG    runnerreplicaset    Skipped reconcilation because owner is not synced yet    {"runnerreplicaset": │
│  "actions-runner-controller/orglevel-gh-runner-wzx5r", "owner": "actions-runner-controller/orglevel-gh-runner-wzx5r-wgf6f" │
│ , "pods": null}   

The most annoying part that if I deploy it with same configuration but instead organization I specify repository everything works well.

Tried user another token, tried introducing horizontal runner autoscaler, nothing worked.


There are 1 answers

Andrii Mykhailov On

Upgrade from 0.22.0 to 0.23.5 helped