Ordered list changes to unordered list in rDiscount with Octopress

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I had been struggling to understand why rDiscount would render my markdown as such .. my original intention was to render the following:

  1. list one ordered
  2. list two ordered
  3. list three ordered
    • unordered sub-first list
    • unordered sub-second list
  4. list four ordered

But somehow, I am unable to obtain the same with rDiscount using Jekyll as site generator and octopress as a blogging framework. The exact problem is after having that * which starts an entire sub-unordered list, it still continues to be in unordered format even if 4 was specified precisely.

The docs says if I continue to write 1,2,3 and in middle of any, if I chose to * in-between, it would render as sub-order (unordered) but the use case of the same hasn't been obtained. How should i approach this problem?


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