Ordered Dithering

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I am currently doing a project where I have to halftoning printing by ordered dithering . However, after doing my dithering processing, my image showing in this way . Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Image dithering(Image input, int orderedDithering[2][2])

    Image output = input ;
    int x , y ;
    for( x=0 ; x < input.height ; x++)
        int i = x % 4 ;

        for( y=0; y<input.width; y++)
            int j = y % 4 ;

       #define R(X,Y) input.term[(Y)*input.rowsize+3*(X)+2]
       #define G(X,Y) input.term[(Y)*input.rowsize+3*(X)+1]
       #define B(X,Y) input.term[(Y)*input.rowsize+3*(X)]

          input.term[(y)*input.rowsize+3*(x)+2]  = (R(x,y) < orderedDithering[i][j] ? 0 : 255);
          input.term[(y)*input.rowsize+3*(x)+1]  = (G(x,y) < orderedDithering[i][j] ? 0 : 255);
          input.term[(y)*input.rowsize+3*(x)+0]  = (B(x,y) < orderedDithering[i][j] ? 0 : 255);

    return output ;



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