"order by newid()" - how does it work?

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I know that If I run this query

select top 100 * from mytable order by newid()

it will get 100 random records from my table.

However, I'm a bit confused as to how it works, since I don't see newid() in the select list. Can someone explain? Is there something special about newid() here?


There are 5 answers

Martin Smith On BEST ANSWER

I know what NewID() does, I'm just trying to understand how it would help in the random selection. Is it that (1) the select statement will select EVERYTHING from mytable, (2) for each row selected, tack on a uniqueidentifier generated by NewID(), (3) sort the rows by this uniqueidentifier and (4) pick off the top 100 from the sorted list?

Yes. this is pretty much exactly correct (except it doesn't necessarily need to sort all the rows). You can verify this by looking at the actual execution plan.

FROM master..spt_values 

The compute scalar operator adds the NEWID() column on for each row (2506 in the table in my example query) then the rows in the table are sorted by this column with the top 100 selected.

SQL Server doesn't actually need to sort the entire set from positions 100 down so it uses a TOP N sort operator which attempts to perform the entire sort operation in memory (for small values of N)


Saeed Amiri On

as MSDN says:

NewID() Creates a unique value of type uniqueidentifier.

and your table will be sorted by this random values.

Uhlen On

In general it works like this:

  • All rows from mytable is "looped"
  • NEWID() is executed for each row
  • The rows are sorted according to random number from NEWID()
  • 100 first row are selected
Sukhi On

use select top 100 randid = newid(), * from mytable order by randid you will be clarified then..

DigitalNomad On

I have an unimportant query which uses newId() and joins many tables. It returns about 10k rows in about 3 seconds. So, newId() might be ok in such cases where performance is not too bad & does not have a huge impact. But, newId() is bad for large tables.

Here is the explanation from Brent Ozar's blog - https://www.brentozar.com/archive/2018/03/get-random-row-large-table/.

From the above link, I have summarized the methods which you can use to generate a random id. You can read the blog for more details.

4 ways to get a random row from a large table:

  1. Method 1, Bad: ORDER BY NEWID() > Bad performance!
  2. Method 2, Better but Strange: TABLESAMPLE > Many gotchas & is not really random!
  3. Method 3, Best but Requires Code: Random Primary Key > Fastest, but won't work for negative numbers.
  4. Method 4, OFFSET-FETCH (2012+) > Only performs properly with a clustered index.

More on method 3: Get the top ID field in the table, generate a random number, and look for that ID. For top N rows, call the code below N times or generate N random numbers and use in an IN clause.

/* Get a random number smaller than the table's top ID */
DECLARE @maxid INT = (SELECT MAX(Id) FROM dbo.Users);
SELECT @rand = ABS((CHECKSUM(NEWID()))) % @maxid;

/* Get the first row around that ID */
FROM dbo.Users AS u
WHERE u.Id >= @rand;