I am getting an error with my table named patients. I dropped the table and started again with it and renamed it as below but it is still coming up with and error when I try to insert into the table :
Error at line 1/13: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
This is what I have so far:
CREATE TABLE Details_of_Patient (
Patient_ID INT,
PatientFirstName VARCHAR2(50),
PatientLastName VARCHAR2(50),
PatientContact VARCHAR2(20),
PatientAddress VARCHAR2(255),
PatientGP VARCHAR2(50),
PatientAlert VARCHAR2(255),
Appointment_ID INT,
INSERT INTO "Details_of_Patient" ("Patient_ID", "PatientFirstName", "PatientLastName", "PatientDOB", "PatientContact", "PatientAddress", "PatientGP", "PatientAlert", "Appointment_ID")
('1', 'John', 'Smith', TO_DATE('22-08-2023', 'DD-MM-YYYY'), '0873456789', '123 Main St', 'Dr. Daly', 'Allergic to Penicillin', '101');
Any help would be greatly appreciated.