I am trying to install the oracle 19c and during installation met with a memory related issue " [INS-35179] Current available memory is less than the required available memory (6,537MB) for creating DB". I double checked all the prerequisites like over 2GB free RAM, 10 GB free space on hard disk drive
, I tried looking up for a solution to this issue but have not got a clue as to what i need to do to resolve this issue. This is the first time i am trying to install oracle 13c. Here is the attached image of this issue.
Oracle 19c installation error : [INS-35179] Current available memory is less than the required available memory (1,597MB) for creating DB
22.6k views Asked by jks At
Simply proceed by clicking 'ok', even if it shows error INS-35179, I did the same and then the Software got installed without any Interruption, this works because we always have more storage in our C: Drive than the space shown in the error.