I'm trying to implement my own custom logger. I've been looking at the implementation of the Console Logger of microsoft.
You can configure the ConsoleLoggerOptions in AppSettings like this:
"Logging": {
"IncludeScopes": true,
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"System": "Warning",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Console": {
"DisableColors": true
Looking at AddConsole() extension: https://github.com/dotnet/extensions/blob/master/src/Logging/Logging.Console/src/ConsoleLoggerFactoryExtensions.cs#L18
How does the internal works for the Options? Where does it "bind" it with 'Console', where does it go from ConsoleLoggerOptions to Console?
I just don't understand after this point. Just adding the Options to services just 'works'?
So i dug a bit deeper:
ConsoleLoggerProvider has a provider alias which renames it to "Console": https://github.com/dotnet/extensions/blob/master/src/Logging/Logging.Console/src/ConsoleLoggerProvider.cs#L14
And the configuration gets added based on the alias name: https://github.com/dotnet/extensions/blob/55518d79834d3319c91f40b449d028338b129ed6/src/Logging/Logging.Configuration/src/LoggerProviderConfigurationFactory.cs#L27
pretty well hidden imo