I am running a query in a Greenplum Database with 4 segment servers, 64GB in each server and with a great processing capacity. The main table ¨pic_isup_new¨ have 500 MM rows and the response time is very slow (300 seconds for 100000 rows) when I execute the query. Is there a way to optimize the query or should I look for Greenplum configuration?.
SELECT pic_isup_new.begin_time::date, date_part('hour', pic_isup_new.begin_time) AS begin_hour, pic_isup_new.cause_value, pic_isup_new.conversation, pic_isup_new.a_number, pic_isup_new.b_number, causas_liberacion.id_grupo, "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, '......$'::text) AS serie,
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 7 THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 8 THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 2, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1) = '0'::text THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 4, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND ("substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '906'::text OR "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '903'::text) AND length(pic_isup_new.a_number) = 8 THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 4, 1)
ELSE ''::text
END AS prefijo,
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 7 THEN centrales.codigo_area
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 8 THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1) = '0'::text THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 3, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND ("substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '906'::text OR "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '903'::text) AND length(pic_isup_new.a_number) = 8 THEN centrales.codigo_area
ELSE ''::text
END AS codigo_area, series.serie AS serie_id, departamento.departamento FROM ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new JOIN ndm_comovi.causas_liberacion ON causas_liberacion.id::text = pic_isup_new.cause_value JOIN ndm_comovi.centrales centrales ON pic_isup_new.dpc_decimal = centrales.pointcode_decimal JOIN ndm_comovi.series ON ((CASE
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 7 THEN centrales.codigo_area
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 8 THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1) = '0'::text THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 3, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND ("substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '906'::text OR "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '903'::text) AND length(pic_isup_new.a_number) = 8 THEN centrales.codigo_area
ELSE ''::text
END) = series.codigo_area AND (CASE
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 7 THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 8 THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 2, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1) = '0'::text THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 4, 1)
WHEN length(pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND ("substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '906'::text OR "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '903'::text) AND length(pic_isup_new.a_number) = 8 THEN "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, 4, 1)
ELSE ''::text
END) = series.prefijo AND "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, '......$'::text) >= series.serie_inicial AND "substring"(pic_isup_new.b_number, '......$'::text) <= series.serie_final)
JOIN ndm_comovi.departamento ON series.serie = departamento.serie
Here I am adding the explain plan
QUERY PLAN Gather Motion 8:1 (slice5; segments: 8) (cost=825.59..11841.02 rows=5 width=157) -> Hash Join (cost=825.59..11841.02 rows=1 width=157)
Hash Cond: ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.dpc_decimal = centrales.pointcode_decimal
Join Filter: CASE WHEN length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number) = 7 THEN centrales.codigo_area WHEN length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number) = 8 THEN "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1) WHEN length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1) = '0'::text THEN "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 3, 1) WHEN length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND ("substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '906'::text OR "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '903'::text) AND length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.a_number) = 8 THEN centrales.codigo_area ELSE ''::text END = series.codigo_area
-> Redistribute Motion 8:8 (slice4; segments: 8) (cost=601.34..11615.38 rows=2 width=161)
Hash Key: ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.dpc_decimal
-> Hash Join (cost=601.34..11615.06 rows=2 width=161)
Hash Cond: CASE WHEN length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number) = 7 THEN "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1) WHEN length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number) = 8 THEN "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 2, 1) WHEN length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 1) = '0'::text THEN "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 4, 1) WHEN length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number) = 10 AND ("substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '906'::text OR "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 1, 3) = '903'::text) AND length(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.a_number) = 8 THEN "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, 4, 1) ELSE ''::text END = series.prefijo
Join Filter: "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, '......$'::text) >= series.serie_inicial AND "substring"(ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.b_number, '......$'::text) <= series.serie_final
-> Hash Join (cost=14.20..10945.25 rows=558 width=144)
Hash Cond: ndm_comovi.pic_isup_new.cause_value = causas_liberacion.id::text
-> Append (cost=0.00..10348.36 rows=17985 width=140)
-> Seq Scan on pic_isup_new_1_prt_1_2_prt_day1 pic_isup_new (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=140)
-> Seq Scan on pic_isup_new_1_prt_1_2_prt_day2 pic_isup_new (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=140)
-> Seq Scan on pic_isup_new_1_prt_1_2_prt_day3 pic_isup_new (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=140)
-> Seq Scan on pic_isup_new_1_prt_1_2_prt_day4 pic_isup_new (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=140)
-> Seq Scan on pic_isup_new_1_prt_1_2_prt_day5 pic_isup_new (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=140)
-> Hash (cost=11.10..11.10 rows=31 width=8)
-> Broadcast Motion 8:8 (slice1; segments: 8) (cost=0.00..11.10 rows=31 width=8)
-> Seq Scan on causas_liberacion (cost=0.00..8.31 rows=4 width=8)
-> Hash (cost=583.94..583.94 rows=32 width=31)
-> Broadcast Motion 8:8 (slice3; segments: 8) (cost=9.36..583.94 rows=32 width=31)
-> Hash Join (cost=9.36..581.06 rows=4 width=31)
Hash Cond: series.serie = departamento.serie
-> Seq Scan on series (cost=0.00..488.44 rows=4143 width=22)
-> Hash (cost=8.96..8.96 rows=4 width=41)
-> Redistribute Motion 8:8 (slice2; segments: 8) (cost=0.00..8.96 rows=4 width=41)
Hash Key: departamento.serie
-> Seq Scan on departamento (cost=0.00..8.32 rows=4 width=41)
-> Hash (cost=121.89..121.89 rows=1024 width=6)
-> Seq Scan on centrales (cost=0.00..121.89 rows=1024 width=6)
Settings: effective_cache_size=48GB; optimizer=on
Can you please add the explain plan? Is this with the legacy planner or pivotal query optimizer? Thanks.