Optimizing code to graph word counts

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I just finished a program that reads text from books and graphs their word count with the x-axis being the count of one book and the y-axis being the count of the second book. It works, but it's surprisingly slow and I'm hoping to get some tips on how to optimize it. I think my biggest concern is creating a dictionary for similar words between the books and a dictionary for words that are in one book but not the other. This implementation added a lot of runtime to the program and I'd like to find a pythonic way to improve this. Below is the code:

import re   # regular expressions
import io
import collections
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# xs=[x1,x2,...,xn]
# Number of occurences of the word in book 1

# use

# ys=[y1.y2,...,yn]
# Number of occurences of the word in book 2

# plt.plot(xs,ys)
# save as svg or pdf files

word_pattern = re.compile(r'\w+')
# with version ensures closing even if there are failures
with io.open("swannsway.txt") as f:
    text = f.read() # read as a single large string
    book1 = word_pattern.findall(text)  # pull out words
    book1 = [w.lower() for w in book1 if len(w)>=3]

with io.open("moby_dick.txt") as f:
    text = f.read() # read as a single large string
    book2 = word_pattern.findall(text)  # pull out words
    book2 = [w.lower() for w in book2 if len(w)>=3]

#Convert these into relative percentages/total book length

wordcount_book1 = {}
for word in book1:
    if word in wordcount_book1:

for word in wordcount_book1:
    wordcount_book1[word] /= len(wordcount_book1)

for word in wordcount_book2:
    wordcount_book2[word] /= len(wordcount_book2)

wordcount_book2 = {}
for word in book2:
    if word in wordcount_book2:

common_words = {}

for i in wordcount_book1:
    for j in wordcount_book2:
        if i == j:
            common_words[i] = [wordcount_book1[i], wordcount_book2[j]]

book_singles= {}
for i in wordcount_book1:
    if i not in common_words:
        book_singles[i] = [wordcount_book1[i], 0]
for i in wordcount_book2:
    if i not in common_words:
        book_singles[i] = [0, wordcount_book2[i]]

wordcount_book1 = collections.Counter(book1)
wordcount_book2 = collections.Counter(book2)

# how many words of different lengths?

word_length_book1 = collections.Counter([len(word) for word in book1])
word_length_book2 = collections.Counter([len(word) for word in book2])


#plt.plot(list(word_length_book1.keys()),list(word_length_book1.values()), list(word_length_book2.keys()), list(word_length_book2.values()), 'bo')
for i in range(len(common_words)):
    plt.plot(list(common_words.values())[i][0], list(common_words.values())[i][1], 'bo', alpha = 0.2)
for i in range(len(book_singles)):
    plt.plot(list(book_singles.values())[i][0], list(book_singles.values())[i][1], 'ro', alpha = 0.2)
plt.xlabel('Moby Dick')

There are 2 answers


The bulk of your code only had minor inefficiencies which I've tried to address. Your largest delay was in plotting book_singles which I believe I've fixed. The details: I switched this:

word_pattern = re.compile(r'\w+')


word_pattern = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]{3,}')

as book_singles is large enough without including numbers too! By including a minimum size in the pattern, we eliminate the need for this loop:

book1 = [w.lower() for w in book1 if len(w)>=3]

And the matching one for book2. Here:

book1 = word_pattern.findall(text)  # pull out words
book1 = [w.lower() for w in book1 if len(w)>=3]

I moved the .lower() so we only do it once, rather than on every word:

book1 = word_pattern.findall(text.lower())  # pull out words
book1 = [w for w in book1 if len(w) >= 3]

Since it's likely implemented in C, this can be a win. This:

wordcount_book1 = {}
for word in book1:
    if word in wordcount_book1:

I switched to use a defaultdict since you have collections imported already:

wordcount_book1 = collections.defaultdict(int)
for word in book1:
    wordcount_book1[word] += 1

For these loops:

common_words = {}

for i in wordcount_book1:
    for j in wordcount_book2:
        if i == j:
            common_words[i] = [wordcount_book1[i], wordcount_book2[j]]

book_singles= {}
for i in wordcount_book1:
    if i not in common_words:
        book_singles[i] = [wordcount_book1[i], 0]
for i in wordcount_book2:
    if i not in common_words:
        book_singles[i] = [0, wordcount_book2[i]]

I rewrote the first loop which was a disaster and then made it do double duty since it had done the work of the second loop already:

common_words = {}
book_singles = {}

for i in wordcount_book1:
    if i in wordcount_book2:
        common_words[i] = [wordcount_book1[i], wordcount_book2[i]]
        book_singles[i] = [wordcount_book1[i], 0]

for i in wordcount_book2:
    if i not in common_words:
        book_singles[i] = [0, wordcount_book2[i]]

Finally, these plotting loops are horribly inefficient both in the way they walk common_words.values() and book_singles.values() over and over again and in the way that they plot one point at a time:

for i in range(len(common_words)):
    plt.plot(list(common_words.values())[i][0], list(common_words.values())[i][1], 'bo', alpha = 0.2)
for i in range(len(book_singles)):
    plt.plot(list(book_singles.values())[i][0], list(book_singles.values())[i][1], 'ro', alpha = 0.2)

I changed them to simply:

counts1, counts2 = zip(*common_words.values())
plt.plot(counts1, counts2, 'bo', alpha=0.2)

counts1, counts2 = zip(*book_singles.values())
plt.plot(counts1, counts2, 'ro', alpha=0.2)

The complete reworked code that leaves out things you calculated but never used in the example:

import re  # regular expressions
import collections
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# xs=[x1,x2,...,xn]
# Number of occurrences of the word in book 1

# use

# ys=[y1.y2,...,yn]
# Number of occurrences of the word in book 2

# plt.plot(xs,ys)
# save as svg or pdf files

word_pattern = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]{3,}')

# with ensures closing of file even if there are failures
with open("swannsway.txt") as f:
    text = f.read() # read as a single large string
    book1 = word_pattern.findall(text.lower())  # pull out words

with open("moby_dick.txt") as f:
    text = f.read() # read as a single large string
    book2 = word_pattern.findall(text.lower())  # pull out words

# Convert these into relative percentages/total book length

wordcount_book1 = collections.defaultdict(int)
for word in book1:
    wordcount_book1[word] += 1

wordcount_book2 = collections.defaultdict(int)
for word in book2:
    wordcount_book2[word] += 1

common_words = {}
book_singles = {}

for i in wordcount_book1:
    if i in wordcount_book2:
        common_words[i] = [wordcount_book1[i], wordcount_book2[i]]
        book_singles[i] = [wordcount_book1[i], 0]

for i in wordcount_book2:
    if i not in common_words:
        book_singles[i] = [0, wordcount_book2[i]]

counts1, counts2 = zip(*common_words.values())
plt.plot(counts1, counts2, 'bo', alpha=0.2)

counts1, counts2 = zip(*book_singles.values())
plt.plot(counts1, counts2, 'ro', alpha=0.2)

plt.xlabel('Moby Dick')


enter image description here

You might eliminate stop words to reduce high scoring words and bring out the interesting data.

PKo On

Here are some tips to optimize your code.

Counting the occurrences of words. Use Counter class from the collections library (see this post):

from collections import Counter
wordcount_book1 = Counter(book1)
wordcount_book2 = Counter(book2)

Finding common and unique words. Use set class. All words is the union, common words is the intersection, and unique words is the difference.

book1_words = set(wordcount_book1.keys())
book2_words = set(wordcount_book2.keys())
all_words = book1_words | book2_words 
common_words = book1_words & book2_words
book_singles = [book1_words - common_words, book2_words - common_words]

Calculating length of words. Calculate first the lengths of all words, then multiply it with word counts per book:

word_length = Counter([len(w) for w in all_words])
word_length_book1 = {w:word_length[w]*wordcount_book1[w] for w in book1_words})
word_length_book1 = {w:word_length[w]*wordcount_book2[w] for w in book2_words}

Probably the plots should be doable without loops but unfortunately I did not understand what you're trying to plot.