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Optimize MongoDB Query or Index

Asked by At

I am running a quite ordinary MongoDB query, nothing really complex or special and I am wondering if the time it takes (> 1 sec) is normal or if there's something wrong with my indexes.

I provided an index for this specific query and explain() also tells me it is used, but it makes a full scan of the collection each time and slows down the whole webpage by > 1 sec.

The query:

db.tog_artikel.find({"art_filter":{"$exists":false},"$where":"this._id == this.art_hauptartikelnr"})


> db.tog_artikel.find({"art_filter":{"$exists":false},"$where":"this._id == this.art_hauptartikelnr"}).explain()
    "cursor" : "BtreeCursor art_filter_1_art_hauptartikelnr_1",
    "nscanned" : 21306,
    "nscannedObjects" : 21306,
    "n" : 21306,
    "millis" : 1180,
    "nYields" : 0,
    "nChunkSkips" : 0,
    "isMultiKey" : false,
    "indexOnly" : false,
    "indexBounds" : {
        "art_filter" : [
        "art_hauptartikelnr" : [
                    "$minElement" : 1
                    "$maxElement" : 1

The index:

   "v": 1,
   "key": {
     "art_filter": 1,
     "art_hauptartikelnr": 1 
   "ns": "togshop.tog_artikel",
   "background": true,
   "name": "art_filter_1_art_hauptartikelnr_1" 

Why is the full collection scanned every time? Why is isMultiKey false and how can I optimize this query/index?

Environment is a standalone server, MongoDB 2.0.1, 64-Bit Linux, accessed from PHP w/ php-mongo 1.2.6

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