For some Time, I've written a Needleman Wunsch algorithm for listening to NCBI data streams, but as I've been done with it i knew it could be done better but i by far to stupid to do so. If some of you know what I've done stupid overcomplicated, I would really like to know how to do it better.
At first I want to show you the full code to let you know about the context.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pandas as pd #to create data frames
from numpy import full #to build the arrays
import subprocess
import os
from itertools import groupby
def needlemanWunsch(lista, listb, rowLen, colLen): #o(n*m)
levensteinTable = full([rowLen, colLen],0)
for j in range(0,colLen): #Fill out the first row
levensteinTable[0, j] = j
for i in range(0,rowLen): #Fill out the first column
levensteinTable[i, 0] = i
for i in range(1,rowLen): #Fill out the rest of the Board in dependency of several cases
for j in range (1,colLen): #traversing with a nested loop
levensteinTable[i,j]=min( #every Levenstein Score has to be the Minimum of three cases
(levensteinTable[i-1, j-1]+(0 if listb[j-1] == lista[i-1] else 1)), #in this part, the Delta of the two strings will be detected
(levensteinTable[i, j-1] +1), #The score of the left cell
(levensteinTable[i-1, j] +1) #The Score of the upper cell
return levensteinTable #the finished levenstein Table will be returned
upArrow = "\u2191"
right_arrow = "\u2192"
down_arrow = "\u2193"
leftArrow = "\u2190"
down_right_arrow = "\u2198"
upLeftArrow = "\u2196"
def needlemanWunschTraceBack(listx,listy,rows,columns, gapPenalty = -1, matchBonus = 1, mismatchPenalty = -1): #o(n*m)
#This algorithm will fill out the Penalty Scoreboard and the Arrow Score board
penaltyArray = full([rows, columns],0) #build up the penalty score Array
tracerArray = full([rows, columns],"-") #build up the Array for the traceback arrows
for row in range(rows): #filling the two arrays
for col in range(columns):
if row==0 and col==0: #the first cell
score = 0 #the first Cell doesn't have any alignment
arrow = "-" #no Alignment, no arrow
elif row==0 and col!=0: #the first Row
score = penaltyArray[row, col -1]+gapPenalty #every Cell in this row need his score
arrow = leftArrow #every Arrow in this row has to look up to the start of the array
elif row!=0 and col == 0: #the first column
score = penaltyArray[row-1, col]+gapPenalty #every Cell in this column need his score
arrow = upArrow #every Arrow in this row has to look up to the start of the array
else: #in this case, every other cell will be processed
fromLeftScore = penaltyArray[row,col-1] + gapPenalty #The score of the former left cell + gapPenalty
fromAboveScore = penaltyArray[row-1,col] + gapPenalty #The score of the former Above cell
diagonalLeftCellScore = penaltyArray[row-1,col-1] +(
matchBonus if(listx[row -1]==listy[col-1])else mismatchPenalty
) #if the alighment matches with the former diagonal left cell, it gets a match bonus, else a mismatchPenalty
score = max([fromLeftScore, fromAboveScore, diagonalLeftCellScore]) #The score of our Cell has to be the maximum of the three given scores
arrow =(leftArrow if score==fromLeftScore else upArrow if score==fromAboveScore else\
upLeftArrow if score==diagonalLeftCellScore else 0)
#the right arrow of every cell will be seperately detected
tracerArray[row, col]=arrow #the tracerArray gets the arrows
penaltyArray[row, col]=score #the penaltyArray gets the scores
return tracerArray, penaltyArray
def traceback_alignment(traceback_array,listC,listD,up_arrow = upArrow ,\
left_arrow=leftArrow,up_left_arrow=upLeftArrow,stop="-"): #o(n)
row = len(listC) #The Traceback Algo needs the sequences anyway
col = len(listD)
arrow = traceback_array[row,col] #to get the right arrow for the current position
alignedSeq1 = "" #to initiate the produced alignment upper line
alignedSeq2 = "" #to initiate the produced alignment under line
alignmentIndicator = "" #to indicate the alighment
while arrow != "-": #No Arrow, no interes
arrow = traceback_array[row,col] #the current position in the array inside the loop
print(f"Currently on row: {row} and col: {col}; Arrow: {arrow}") #Because you could get bored without visual process indication
if arrow == up_arrow: #up_arrow shows a gap in under sequence
alignedSeq2 = "-"+alignedSeq2
alignedSeq1 = listC[row-1] + alignedSeq1
alignmentIndicator = " "+alignmentIndicator #to show that here is no alignment
row -=1
elif arrow == up_left_arrow: #up_left_arrow shows that here is accordance between the sequences
alignedSeq1 = listC[row-1] + alignedSeq1
alignedSeq2 = listD[col-1] + alignedSeq2
if listC[row-1] == listD[col-1]:
alignmentIndicator = "|"+alignmentIndicator #visual indicator for accordance
alignmentIndicator = " "+alignmentIndicator #visual indicator for no accordance
row -=1
col -=1
elif arrow == left_arrow:
alignedSeq1 = "-"+alignedSeq1
alignedSeq2 = listD[col-1] + alignedSeq2
alignmentIndicator = " "+alignmentIndicator #visual indicator for no accordance
col -=1
elif arrow == stop:
raise ValueError(
f"Traceback array entry at {row},{col}: {arrow}" \
f"is not recognized as an up arrow ({up_arrow}),left_arrow ({left_arrow}), "\
f"up_left_arrow ({up_left_arrow}), or a stop ({stop})."
return f"{alignedSeq1}\n{alignmentIndicator}\n{alignedSeq2}"
def seqHandle(seq1, seq2): #to handle a two given Sequences o(n*m)
columnLabels = [label for label in "-"+seq1] #for the later buildet Dataframes
rowLabels = [label for label in "-"+seq2] ##for the later buildet Dataframes
nRows = len("-"+seq1) #Count of all rows
nColumns = len("-"+seq2) #Count of all columns
levensteinBoard = needlemanWunsch(seq1, seq2,nRows,nColumns) #to build the Board with the levensteinDistances
arrowArray, zuchtArray, = needlemanWunschTraceBack(seq1, seq2,nRows, nColumns) #Important for the traceback
levensteinDistance = levensteinBoard[len(seq1)][len(seq2)] #I'll explain the Levenstein Distance in the Readme
return (
f"This is our ScoreBoard with all the important distances\n"\
f"{pd.DataFrame(levensteinBoard, index=columnLabels, columns= rowLabels)}\n"\
f"The Levenstein Distance of{seq1} and {seq2} is {levensteinDistance}.\n"\
f"The trace back arrow board:\n{pd.DataFrame(arrowArray, index=columnLabels, columns= rowLabels)}\n"\
f"The Penalty Score Board:\n{pd.DataFrame(zuchtArray, index=columnLabels, columns= rowLabels)}\n"\
f"{traceback_alignment(arrowArray,seq1,seq2)}"), levensteinDistance
def fileProcessGenerator(fileE): #to iterate over a SequenceSummaryFile o(n)
with open(f'{os.getcwd()}/{fileE}', 'r') as fh: #to savely work with the given file
faiter = (x[1] for x in groupby(fh, lambda line: line[0] ==">")) #to group the single sequences to their related header Line
for header in faiter:
headerStr = header.__next__()[1:].strip() #to fetch the header line from the group
yield (
headerStr.strip().replace('>', '').split()[0], #name of the sequence
''.join(s.strip() for s in faiter.__next__())) #sequence
def FileOfSequencesAnalisis(fileName, OutputPath): #to analyse a SequenceSummaryFile o(n*m*a*b)
print(f"\n\n Warning: I'll proceed really a lot of Sequence combinations Sequences.\n\n This will take Time! Please stay patient")
processnumber = 1 #We want to know, in which process we are
levensteinDistanceCounter= 0 #To count all Levenstein distances so far
LevensteinDistancesAverage = 0 #to calculate the average of all levenstein distances so far
try: #because someone could try shit
for ff in fileProcessGenerator(fileName): #the main loop devines the sequence in the line
for fo in fileProcessGenerator(fileName): #the main loop devines the sequence in the column
if ff != fo: #nobody wants to know the levenstein Distance of two identical sequences
name, seqOne, = ff #to get the important stuff from the generator
namel, seqTwo, = fo
f"processing for {name} and {namel} -Process Nr.{processnumber}\n"\
f"current average Levenstein Distances is {LevensteinDistancesAverage}") #to show, that the process works well
seqHandling, currentLevensteinDistance = seqHandle(seqOne, seqTwo) #to get the struff from seqHandle
with open(f"{OutputPath}/For_{name}_and_{namel}.txt", 'w') as bitch: #to savely save our Output to a file
bitch.write(f"Analysis for {name} and {namel}: \n{seqHandling}")
levensteinDistanceCounter += currentLevensteinDistance
LevensteinDistancesAverage = levensteinDistanceCounter/processnumber
processnumber += 1
except RuntimeError:
print("invalid File. Use a File with inherited fasta Sequences with a Header Line and Sequences")
print(f"I'm done. Here is the average Levenstein Distance of the analysed File:\n{LevensteinDistancesAverage}")
Now I'll show you, what I've been unsatisfied with
def needlemanWunsch(lista, listb, rowLen, colLen): #o(n*m)
levensteinTable = full([rowLen, colLen],0)
for j in range(0,colLen): #Fill out the first row
levensteinTable[0, j] = j
for i in range(0,rowLen): #Fill out the first column
levensteinTable[i, 0] = i
for i in range(1,rowLen): #Fill out the rest of the Board in dependency of several cases
for j in range (1,colLen): #traversing with a nested loop
levensteinTable[i,j]=min( #every Levenstein Score has to be the Minimum of three cases
(levensteinTable[i-1, j-1]+(0 if listb[j-1] == lista[i-1] else 1)), #in this part, the Delta of the two strings will be detected
(levensteinTable[i, j-1] +1), #The score of the left cell
(levensteinTable[i-1, j] +1) #The Score of the upper cell
return levensteinTable #the finished levenstein Table will be returned
I've tried to turn every for loop into a comprehension, but somehow there are things I don't know and even don't know for what kind of comprehension I need to search for.
II've tried to turn every for loop into a comprehension, but somehow there are things I don't know and even don't know for what kind of comprehension I need to search for.
from numpy import full #to build the arrays
def needlemanWunsch(lista, listb, rowLen, colLen): #o(n*m)
levensteinTable = full([rowLen, colLen],0)
#for j in range(0,colLen): #Fill out the first row
# levensteinTable[0, j] = j
levensteinTable[0, [j for j in range(0, colLen)]]
#for i in range(0,rowLen): #Fill out the first column
# levensteinTable[i, 0] = i
levensteinTable[[i for i in range(0, rowLen)], 0]
for i in range(1,rowLen): #Fill out the rest of the Board in dependency of several cases
for j in range (1,colLen): #traversing with a nested loop
levensteinTable[i,j]=min( #every Levenstein Score has to be the Minimum of three cases
(levensteinTable[i-1, j-1]+(0 if listb[j-1] == lista[i-1] else 1)), #in this part, the Delta of the two strings will be detected
(levensteinTable[i, j-1] +1), #The score of the left cell
(levensteinTable[i-1, j] +1) #The Score of the upper cell
return levensteinTable #the finished levenstein Table will be returned
seq1, seq2= "ATTACA","ATGCT"
nRows, nColumns = len("-"+seq1), len("-"+seq2)
print(needlemanWunsch(seq1, seq2, nRows, nColumns))
but Output of this is like:
[[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 1 1 1 1]
[0 1 0 1 2 1]
[0 1 1 1 2 2]
[0 0 1 2 2 3]
[0 1 1 2 2 3]
[0 0 1 2 3 3]]