I'am using org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository to save my entities.
Here is my entity:
@Table (name="ThirdClass")
public abstract class ThirdClassBase
extends BaseDomainObject
implements Serializable, Cloneable{
* Default serialID to prevent warning
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* A T T R I B U T E S
private String pk;
private Integer version;
Here my spring-config:
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<!-- only components from this package can be wired by spring -->
<context:component-scan base-package="test.envmuster.*" />
<!-- Directory to scan for repository classes -->
<jpa:repositories base-package="test.domain.repository" />
<!-- jdbc.properties => used to put db-connection data to an own property-file -->
<bean id="domainPropertyConfigurer"
<property name="systemPropertiesModeName" value="SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_OVERRIDE" />
<property name="locations">
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
<property name="driverClassName" value="${db.driver}" />
<property name="url" value="${db.url}" />
<property name="username" value="${db.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${db.password}" />
<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager"/>
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager" >
<property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" />
<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="packagesToScan" >
<property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
<bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter">
<property name="showSql" value="true" />
<property name="generateDdl" value="true" />
The test:
@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath:spring-test-config.xml" })
@TransactionConfiguration(transactionManager = "transactionManager", defaultRollback = false)
public class OptimisticLockingTest extends AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests {
private ThirdClassRepository thirdRepository;
public void setUpData(){
ThirdClass thirdClass = new ThirdClass(3L);
thirdClass = thirdRepository.save(thirdClass);
Assert.assertEquals(thirdClass.getVersion(), new Integer(30));
public void optimisticLockingCheck(){
ThirdClass thirdClass = thirdRepository.findByPK("pk1");
Assert.assertEquals(thirdClass.getVersion(), new Integer(30));
thirdClass = thirdRepository.save(thirdClass);
public void deleteData(){
The test-result in the console:
Hibernate: select thirdclass0_.pk as pk2_8_3_, thirdclass0_.secondClass_pk as secondCl5_8_3_, thirdclass0_.value as value3_8_3_, thirdclass0_.version as version4_8_3_, secondclas1_.pk as pk2_2_0_, secondclas1_.id as id3_2_0_, secondclas1_.thirdClass_pk as thirdCla5_2_0_, secondclas1_.version as version4_2_0_, secondclas1_.wayone_pk as wayone_p6_2_0_, fourthclas2_.SecondClass_pk as SecondCl1_2_5_, fourthclas3_.pk as fourthCl2_3_5_, fourthclas3_.pk as pk2_0_1_, fourthclas3_.prop as prop3_0_1_, fourthclas3_.secondClass_pk as secondCl5_0_1_, fourthclas3_.version as version4_0_1_, thirdclass4_.pk as pk2_8_2_, thirdclass4_.secondClass_pk as secondCl5_8_2_, thirdclass4_.value as value3_8_2_, thirdclass4_.version as version4_8_2_ from ThirdClass thirdclass0_ left outer join SecondClass secondclas1_ on thirdclass0_.secondClass_pk=secondclas1_.pk left outer join SecondClass_FourthClass fourthclas2_ on secondclas1_.pk=fourthclas2_.SecondClass_pk left outer join FourthClass fourthclas3_ on fourthclas2_.fourthClass_pk=fourthclas3_.pk left outer join ThirdClass thirdclass4_ on secondclas1_.thirdClass_pk=thirdclass4_.pk where thirdclass0_.pk=? and thirdclass0_.DTYPE='ThirdClass'
Hibernate: insert into ThirdClass (secondClass_pk, value, version, DTYPE, pk) values (?, ?, ?, 'ThirdClass', ?)
Hibernate: select thirdclass0_.pk as pk2_8_3_, thirdclass0_.secondClass_pk as secondCl5_8_3_, thirdclass0_.value as value3_8_3_, thirdclass0_.version as version4_8_3_, secondclas1_.pk as pk2_2_0_, secondclas1_.id as id3_2_0_, secondclas1_.thirdClass_pk as thirdCla5_2_0_, secondclas1_.version as version4_2_0_, secondclas1_.wayone_pk as wayone_p6_2_0_, thirdclass2_.pk as pk2_8_1_, thirdclass2_.secondClass_pk as secondCl5_8_1_, thirdclass2_.value as value3_8_1_, thirdclass2_.version as version4_8_1_, myfirstcla3_.pk as pk2_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.flag as flag3_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.text as text4_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.version as version5_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.myID as myID6_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.property2 as property7_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.property3 as property8_4_2_ from ThirdClass thirdclass0_ left outer join SecondClass secondclas1_ on thirdclass0_.secondClass_pk=secondclas1_.pk left outer join ThirdClass thirdclass2_ on secondclas1_.thirdClass_pk=thirdclass2_.pk left outer join SuperClass myfirstcla3_ on secondclas1_.wayone_pk=myfirstcla3_.pk where thirdclass0_.pk=? and thirdclass0_.DTYPE='ThirdClass'
Hibernate: update ThirdClass set secondClass_pk=?, value=?, version=? where pk=? and version=?
Hibernate: select thirdclass0_.pk as pk2_8_3_, thirdclass0_.secondClass_pk as secondCl5_8_3_, thirdclass0_.value as value3_8_3_, thirdclass0_.version as version4_8_3_, secondclas1_.pk as pk2_2_0_, secondclas1_.id as id3_2_0_, secondclas1_.thirdClass_pk as thirdCla5_2_0_, secondclas1_.version as version4_2_0_, secondclas1_.wayone_pk as wayone_p6_2_0_, thirdclass2_.pk as pk2_8_1_, thirdclass2_.secondClass_pk as secondCl5_8_1_, thirdclass2_.value as value3_8_1_, thirdclass2_.version as version4_8_1_, myfirstcla3_.pk as pk2_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.flag as flag3_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.text as text4_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.version as version5_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.myID as myID6_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.property2 as property7_4_2_, myfirstcla3_.property3 as property8_4_2_ from ThirdClass thirdclass0_ left outer join SecondClass secondclas1_ on thirdclass0_.secondClass_pk=secondclas1_.pk left outer join ThirdClass thirdclass2_ on secondclas1_.thirdClass_pk=thirdclass2_.pk left outer join SuperClass myfirstcla3_ on secondclas1_.wayone_pk=myfirstcla3_.pk where thirdclass0_.pk=? and thirdclass0_.DTYPE='ThirdClass'
Hibernate: delete from ThirdClass_FourthClass where ThirdClass_pk=?
Hibernate: delete from ThirdClass where pk=? and version=?
PASSED: optimisticLockingCheck
I know i shouldn't set the version-property => but it isn't set automatic or at least not incremented. If i leave it null, it switches to 0 after the first save... that seems to be ok but the second save didn't increment it... so i tried to set the version manual.
Something seems to work because in the console-output i see at the update statement the "where pk =? and version=?" => but why is no exception thrown? It seems to be that the version field is used like a normal column...
Please help me, i have no idea what i did wrong. Thanks a lot in advance. BR
Dependencies (just in case):
Edit: Another for me unexpected behavior... i use CascadeType(REMOVE, MERGE) on OneToOne-Relations. After i have added the @Version annotation it doesn't work any more. I save 2 new entities (1:1) relation by one repository.save - call but the associated relation is not saved (but no exception occured).
Answer to the unexcepected behavior of the CascadeType: Adding of @Version seems to change the saving behavior... because when i changed the CascadeType.MERGE to CascadeType.PERSIST it works again.
Something more seems to change by adding the @Version: I receive all exception only after the transaction is committed. If i remove the @Version i receive the exception at the persist method.