This is my second post. I'm trying to study the nurse rostering examples. There is a way to avoid same shift in two consecutive day?
Optaplanner: how to avoid the same shift in two consecutive day?
149 views Asked by Gica At
This is my second post. I'm trying to study the nurse rostering examples. There is a way to avoid same shift in two consecutive day?
Avoiding same shift type in 2 consecutive days goes like this:your "when" clause should be true when there are 2 ShiftAssignments of the same nurse,same shift type with your second ShiftAssignment having ShiftDatedayindex = ShiftDateDayIndex of first Assignment +1; ShiftAssignment(...$ShiftType1:shiftType,day1:shiftDateDayIndex,...) ShiftAssignment(...$ShiftType2:shiftType,$ShiftType1==$ShiftType2,day2:shiftDateDayIndex,day2==day1+1...)