I have installed openshift version of Employee Roster demo. I am using Call center example from UI. In "Spot Roster" tab when i mark certain spots as unassigned and click on "Solve" button, I see Optaplanner starts optimizing and see score for soft and hard constraints. Even after it finishes optimizing what marked as unassigned still remain as unassigned. And i can see hard constraint score:0. Why these spots are not assigned to Employees available?
Is it possible that those unassigned shifts are already published (dark border)? Up to at least the current version (7.8.0) we don't support "non-disruptive replanning" yet in the optashift UI, which is the practice of resolving "employees calling in sick" etc, for already published dates, with a little changes as possible. OptaPlanner does support that, we just haven't integrated it yet in optashift.
So currently, only draft shift (= dotted border) are scheduled. Scroll to the right to see those.