I have an Infopath 2010 form with a button and the following event code:
Public Sub txtGetCC_Changing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As XmlChangingEventArgs)
' Ensure that the constraint you are enforcing is compatible
' with the default value you set for this XML node.
Dim myNav As XPathNavigator = Me.MainDataSource.CreateNavigator
If myNav.SelectSingleNode("//my:txtGetCC", Me.NamespaceManager).ToString.Length > 0 Then
Dim myIterator As XPathNodeIterator = myNav.Select("/my:myFields/my:group11/my:group12", Me.NamespaceManager)
Dim CCnummer As String = ""
Dim CCsource As DataSource = Me.DataSources("CostCenters")
Dim email As String = ""
While myIterator.MoveNext
CCnummer = myIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("my:cbRTcc", Me.NamespaceManager).Value
Dim myNavigator As XPathNavigator = Me.DataSources("CostCenters").CreateNavigator
Dim rows As XPathNodeIterator = myNavigator.Select("/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/d:CostCenters", Me.NamespaceManager)
email = ""
While (rows.MoveNext)
Dim ccnumber As String = rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("@CCnumber", Me.NamespaceManager).Value
If ccnumber = CCnummer Then
email = rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("@Email", Me.NamespaceManager).Value
Exit While
End If
End While
myIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("//my:txtCCowner", Me.NamespaceManager).SetValue(email)
End While
End If
End Sub
The line just before the last END WHILE is not working. I want to update the column txtCCowner in the repeating table to be updated with the email address found in the external datasource. Everything works except this line.
The error message I get is: Operation is not valid, because of the current state of the object. Why do I get this error, what am I doing wrong?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
rg. Eric