I'm building a table using OpenXml and setting the Justification property for every cell. It doesn't really matter where I assign this property, either in the Run element or as a TableCellProperty, when the document is open using the Productivity Tool for MS Office the Justification element always comes as OpenXmlUnknownElement
This is an example:
TableCell tc = new tbl.TableCell();
tc.Append(new tbl.TableCellProperties(new tbl.Justification() { Val = tbl.JustificationValues.Right }));
The text is justified but when converting the docx file into pdf, the justification is gone, and I guess because of this OpenXmlUnknownElement
The problem I have is that when setting the Justification
property on the ParagrahProperties
for the paragraph, it doesn't make the alignment. It only works if the ParagrahProperties
is a direct child of TableCell
But then I get a OpenXmlUnknownElement
. If I append the properties directly to the paragraph I don't get the OpenXmlUnknownElement
but it doesn't make the aligment at all
You need to read the documentation.
doesn't take the aJustification
element. LinkIf you are trying to align elements within a cell, you need to put it into