openvpn LDAP authentication with Group

2.6k views Asked by At

I have openvpn installed on ubuntu 19.04 and I am using the plugin "" for authentication, I can authenticate users from an Organization Unit in my active directory in windows server 2012 but by trying to further restrict access only one group is not possible. The configuration used in the archvo: "auth-ldap.conf" is as follows:

        BaseDN          "OU=<MyOUWhereisMyGroupWithVPNUsers>,DC=<mydomain>,DC=<local>"
        SearchFilter    "(CN=%u)"
        RequireGroup    true
                BaseDN  "OU=<MyOUWhereisMyGroupWithVPNUsers>,DC=<mydomain>,DC=<local>"
                SearchFilter  "(&(objectClass=top;group)(memberOf=CN=<NameofMyGroupVPNUsers> ,OU=<MyOUWhereisMyGroupWithVPNUsers>,DC=mydomain,DC=local))"
                MemberAttribute uniqueMember

Any idea how this configuration should go. I just want a group defined in my Active directory to have access to my OpenVPN server and not an entire OU.


There are 2 answers


I think you misunderstood how the ldap configuration works.

The first section allows you to search for the users, the second allows you to further filter on the users based on the group membership.

So you should be able to do what you want with either of these two configurations :

        BaseDN          "OU=<where_users_accounts_are>,DC=<mydomain>,DC=<local>"
        SearchFilter    "(&(samaccountname=%u)(memberOf=<DN_of_the_group>))"
        RequireGroup    false


        BaseDN          "OU=<where_users_accounts_are>,DC=<mydomain>,DC=<local>"
        SearchFilter    "(samaccountname=%u)"
        RequireGroup    true
                BaseDN  "<FULL DN OF YOUR GROUP>"
                SearchFilter  "(objectClass=group)"
                MemberAttribute uniqueMember

If the second doesn't work, try like this :

        BaseDN          "OU=<where_users_accounts_are>,DC=<mydomain>,DC=<local>"
        SearchFilter    "(samaccountname=%u)"
        RequireGroup    true
                BaseDN  "OU=<where_group_vpn_is>,DC=<mydomain>,DC=<local>"
                SearchFilter  "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=<CN_OF_THE_GROUP>))"
                MemberAttribute uniqueMember
Arturo Díaz On

The problem was in the connection to ldap I had to specify the port 3268 and not the default.

The full file look so:

        URL             ldap://myip:3268
        BindDN "CN=myuser,OU=MyOU,DC=my,DC=domain"    
        Password        myuserpass       
        Timeout        30       
        TLSEnable       no
        FollowReferrals yes

        BaseDN "DC=my,DC=domain"
        SearchFilter "(&(sAMAccountName=%u)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))"
        RequireGroup    true
                BaseDN "OU=MyOU,DC=my,DC=domain"
                SearchFilter "(cn=NameofGroupwithAccess)"
                MemberAttribute        "member"