Is there an OpenSSL command to derive the Named Curved that was used in the generation of an EC Key Pair?
I generate the parameters into a PEM file here:
openssl ecparam -name secp256k1 -out secp256k1.pem
Then verify the Named Curve used by typing:
openssl ecparam -in secp256k1.pem -text -noout
But how to achieve the same when you have only the Private.pem and Public.pem and NOT the ecparam file?
openssl pkey -in user1Key.pem -text -noout
worked on keys I generated with the Command-Line OpenSSL tool but not the C libraries. When I run this command against the PEM files - I generated using C - I get everything but NOT the short ecparam name. I get the Private, Public, Seed, Prime, A, B, etc.
My C code was generating an EC Pair with OpenSSL APIs where the explicit parameters for the Curve was set. When I did the same with OpenSSL's command line tool, I did not set the explicit parameter.
To get around the issue - to verify both sides were deriving the same Key - I used the following OpenSSL command line tool:
openssl ecparam -in ec_paramprime256v1.pem -genkey -noout -out appKey.pem -param_enc explicit
If this has impacted you, I suggest you investigate OpenSSL's wiki for set_asn1_flag