openssl change type of custom OIDs fields in subject

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I need to create request with custom OIDs in subject. I added this attributes in [new oids] section in openssl.cnf

INN = 1.2.643.
OGRN = 1.2.643.100.1

in [ req_distinguished_name ] section I added:

INN                             = inn
INN_max                         = 12
INN_default                     = something like 012125125412
OGRN                            = ogrn
OGRN_max                        = 13
OGRN_default                    = something like 1532352362346

And I create csr with this OIDs but if I use "openssl asn1parse -in .csr" I see that values of my OIDs 1.2.643. and 1.2.643.100.1 are UTF8STRING type. But I need that OIDs is NumericString type. I can't find how set this values in NumericString. How I can set values custom OIDs to NumericString type?


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