Using the OpenSSL C API , I want to decrypt a file using a password, in order to do that I need to manually derive the key and iv from the given password using EVP_BytesToKey()
, but the function gives me the wrong key and iv.
I encrypt the file using the command line tool like so :
openssl enc -nosalt -p -in sample.txt -out sample.txt.enc -e -aes256 -k PASSWORD
*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.
iv =44A783DFFE1463B81E65064750797FA4
Here is my code (most of it is from examples I've seen of stack overflow) :
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <locale>
#include <windows.h>
int main(){
// Initializing OpenSLL
const EVP_CIPHER *cipher;
const EVP_MD *dgst = NULL;
unsigned char key[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH], iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
// Setting password
const char *password = "PASSWORD";
const unsigned char *salt = NULL;
int i;
// Getting key and iv
cipher = EVP_get_cipherbyname("aes-256-cbc");
if(!cipher) { fprintf(stderr, "no such cipher\n"); return 1; }
if(!dgst) { fprintf(stderr, "no such digest\n"); return 1; }
if(!EVP_BytesToKey(cipher, dgst, salt,
(unsigned char *) password,
strlen(password), 1, key, iv))
fprintf(stderr, "EVP_BytesToKey failed\n");
return 1;
// Output key and iv to the screen
printf("Key: "); for(i=0; i< 32; ++i) { printf("%02x", key[i]); } printf("\n");
printf("IV: "); for(i=0; i< 16; ++i) { printf("%02x", iv[i]); } printf("\n");
When debugging, the program outputs the key and iv to the screen , they contains random bytes?!?
Somehow when printing the key and iv to the screen with "%02x" it shows valid hex values.
Here is what my program outputs :
Key: 319f4d26e3c536b5dd871bb2c52e3178dcbc5de3a413ea043012cf3506b6956e
IV: c23b1986151650adf58ba93c7a10f73f
The Output is different from the original key and iv. I've seen other people do this and it worked for them.
Thank you
(read to the end for an improvement)Since openSSL 1.1, specifying no digest outputs the SHA256 digest instead of the MD5. If you run this command (note the -md switch):
openssl enc -nosalt -p -in sample.txt -out sample.txt.enc -e -aes256 -k PASSWORD -md md5
You get the following output:
Which is the same as your C program.
Conversely, if you switch your C source to sha256 digest:
You obtain the same output as from the command line.
As you might have noticed, the
gives you a warning*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Looking into the openssl documentation we have an explanation for such warning:We can then obtain the key directly with this algorithm both with
executable using the switchiter 1
which uses-pbkdf2 Use password-based key derivation function 2
And modifying our C program to get the key with the same more secure algorithm:
Which outputs: