In my Excel file data in the cell is indented, and indent information is very important to get.
My code:
import openxlpy as opxl
wb = opxl.load_workbool('file.xlsx')
sh = wb.get_active_sheet()
r = sh.rows
c = r[10][0]
now the question: gives me two options (1) indent and (2) ident
(1) does NOT return correct indent information (2) has correct number
what is the difference between the two? Is it normal for ident to have correct info.
thank you
openpyxl version is 1.8.5. Text is representing a tree, where each indent is next level. It starts with no indents and goes in increments of 1
I don't know what version of openpyxl you're using but
has never been an alignment attribute.c.alignment
is the preferred spelling. The specification definesindent