OpenLitespeed htaccess

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I'm a new user of OpenLitespeed web server. Previously I used Apache for my web server. Now, I'm getting confused about .htaccess for security purpose in OpenLitespeed.

Below my .htaccess rule works great in Apache

IndexIgnore *.css *.js *.png *.jpg
Options -Indexes
ErrorDocument 400 index.php
ErrorDocument 403 index.php
ErrorDocument 404 index.php
ErrorDocument 500 index.php

<Files ~ "\.optl$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

How can I use this rule in OpenLiteSpeed Web Server? Thank you


There are 3 answers

Eric On

For OpenLitespeed web server.
You can set ErrorDocument through Virtual Host -> General -> Customized Error Pages
Error Code support all your needed. e.g. 300 ~ 505 which include 400,403,404,500.

You can set Index file though Virtual Host -> General -> Index Files

Both above rules probably not supported from "another way", that's why you need to setup from web admin. "another way" only support rewrite rules.

Yanwar Purnama On

In openlitespeed you must point your .htaccess file in virtual host. From openlitespeed admin Klik Virtualhost -> Select your virtualhost, in tab Rewrite check to 'Yes' for Enable Rewrite, and rewrite rule insert your path of file .htaccess for example /usr/local/lsws/yourweb/.htaccess

And restart your openlitespeed server

/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart

You can use scripts auto install with support multi vhost from

harrrrrrry On

I am not sure this is the correct answer, but I put it here in case you need it:

OpenLitespeed supports .htaccess in another way. You can copy the rewrite rules from the .htaccess and paste into OpenLiteSpeed admin console:

Update: Yes I just tested it as I met this issue now. It did work.