I'm a new user of OpenLitespeed web server. Previously I used Apache for my web server. Now, I'm getting confused about .htaccess for security purpose in OpenLitespeed.
Below my .htaccess rule works great in Apache
IndexIgnore *.css *.js *.png *.jpg
Options -Indexes
ErrorDocument 400 index.php
ErrorDocument 403 index.php
ErrorDocument 404 index.php
ErrorDocument 500 index.php
<Files ~ "\.optl$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
How can I use this rule in OpenLiteSpeed Web Server? Thank you
For OpenLitespeed web server.
You can set ErrorDocument through
Virtual Host -> General -> Customized Error Pages
Error Code support all your needed. e.g. 300 ~ 505 which include 400,403,404,500.
You can set Index file though
Virtual Host -> General -> Index Files
Both above rules probably not supported from "another way", that's why you need to setup from web admin. "another way" only support rewrite rules.