This is a bit of a strange question, but I have a client who's employees will be accessing an intranet site using company provided iPads. All of these iPads will have an book loaded into iBooks. They want us to link to that book from the intranet site. I can't find a way that this can be done. Does anyone know how it might be done? If not, do you know of a way that we can link to the iBooks application so that it will launch and at least give the user the menu of iBooks available on the device? Thanks in advance.
Opening iBook File on iPad from HTML Link
4.8k views Asked by Carl At
There are 2 answers

You can open directly to iBooks by using the url:
<a href="itms-books:">My Link</a>
This is a possible duplicate of How do I launch iBooks e-reader programmatically on iPad?
You can open iBooks to a specific book now by including the assetid of the book you want to open. Example:
Details available on the website -