OpenGL stops rendering, possibly after an update

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I am working on a small OpenGL project using the GLFW library. Everything was fine until from one day, I can't get it to render anything except the background. So I loaded up an older version, which I am sure worked just fine and the same thing happens. I then went back in time and every version I tried did the same thing.

You can change the glClearColor() and this color is used, but thats the only thing you see. So I tried to strip the project down until I ended with a very basic program (a hard-coded colored cube) which still doesn't render anything.

I think the possible causes may have to do something with driver updates or me downloading newer versions of libraries, but I don't think that could have such a massive effect, given that the code worked just fine previously.

I am running 64-bit Windows 7 on GIGABYTE B75M-D3H motherboard with Intel Core i5-3350P CPU and Radeon HD 7750 graphics(Currently Catalyst 14.12, have had some updates since the problem first appeared though). I use mingw-w64 as my compiler of choice with posix threads and sjlj exceptions. I tried it on a different machine (Dell Inspiron with Windows 8.1) and got the same results.

I am using GLFW, GLEW and GLM.

The original project:

A stripped-down version: (Quite messy, still not working)

Can a driver update cause this? Am I stupid and forgot something which suddenly broke the whole program?


There are 1 answers


Turns out I was using the Core OpenGL profile, which requires you to use Vertex Array Objects, which I didn't. Up until ~February, the graphics didn't mind, but after a certain driver update, it refused to render the object (Which I believe is the correct behaviour).