openFB Facebook Login Javascript

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Im trying to use OpenFB to create a Facebook login for my app that i'm creating using Phonegap. I am getting the security message after logging in on a white screen.

This is my code:

 openFB.init('1573489959575513'); // Defaults to sessionStorage for storing the Facebook token

 //  Uncomment the line below to store the Facebook token in localStorage instead of sessionStorage
 //openFB.init('1573489959575513', 'something here', window.localStorage);

 function login() {
 function() {
 alert('Facebook login succeeded');
 function() {
 alert('Facebook login failed');

and the error im getting says: SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password.

People have said to install the InAppBrowser plugin, which I have added to my config file, but I'm not sure how to call it? If that is the solution.

In my Facebook developer settings I have set the 'Valid OAuth redirect URIs' as

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as the solutions i've looked at arent helping.



There are 2 answers

icaro56 On

Like Neeg wrote. You need to add the Inappbrowser to OpenFB to work.

The new way to add this plugin is:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
neeg On

You have to install InAppBrowser Plugin (not just add it to the config file)

cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser