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I'm Trying to convert a code written in Cuda to openCL and run into some trouble. My final goal is to implement the code on an Odroid XU3 board with a Mali T628 GPU.

In order to simplify the transition and save time trying to debug openCL kernels I've done the following steps:

  1. Implement the code in Cuda and test it on a Nvidia GeForce 760
  2. Implement the code in openCL and test it on a Nvidia GeForce 760
  3. test the openCL code on an Odroid XU3 board with a Mali T628 GPU.

I know that different architectures may have different optimizations but that isn't my main concern for now. I manged to run the openCL code on my Nvidia GPU with no apparent issues but keep getting strange errors when trying to run the code on the Odroid board. I know that different architectures have different handling of exceptions etc. but I'm not sure how to solve those.

Since the openCL code works on my Nvidia I assume that I managed to do the correct transition between thread/blocks -> workItems/workGroups etc. I already fixed several issues that relate to the cl_device_max_work_group_size issue so that can't be the cuase.

When running the code i'm getting a "CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES" error. I've narrowed the cause of the error to 2 lines in the code but not sure to fix those issues.

the error is caused by the following lines:

  1. lowestDist[pixelNum] = partialDiffSumTemp; both variables are private variables of the kernel and therefor I don't see any potential issue.
  2. d_disparityLeft[globalMemIdx + TILE_BOUNDARY_WIDTH - WINDOW_RADIUS + 0] = bestDisparity[0]; Here I guess the cause is "OUT_OF_BOUND" but not sure how to debug it since the original code doesn't have any issue.

My Kernel code is is:

#define ALIGN_IMAGE_WIDTH          64
#define NUM_PIXEL_PER_THREAD        4

#define MIN_DISPARITY               0  
#define MAX_DISPARITY              55  

#define WINDOW_SIZE                19 
#define WINDOW_RADIUS              (WINDOW_SIZE / 2)   

#define TILE_SHARED_MEM_WIDTH      96                       
#define TILE_BOUNDARY_WIDTH        64


#define THREAD_NUM_WIDTH            8

 //TODO fix input arguments
__kernel void hello_kernel( __global unsigned char*  d_leftImage,
                            __global unsigned char*  d_rightImage,
                            __global float* d_disparityLeft) {

    int blockX      = get_group_id(0);
    int blockY      = get_group_id(1);
    int threadX     = get_local_id(0);
    int threadY     = get_local_id(1);

    __local unsigned char leftImage      [TILE_SHARED_MEM_WIDTH * TILE_SHARED_MEM_HEIGHT];
    __local unsigned char rightImage     [TILE_SHARED_MEM_WIDTH * TILE_SHARED_MEM_HEIGHT];
    __local unsigned int  partialDiffSum [BLOCK_WIDTH           * TILE_SHARED_MEM_HEIGHT];

    int alignedImageWidth = 640;
    int partialDiffSumTemp;
    float bestDisparity[4] = {0,0,0,0};
    int lowestDist[4];
        lowestDist[0] = 214748364;
        lowestDist[1] = 214748364;
        lowestDist[2] = 214748364;
        lowestDist[3] = 214748364;

    // Read image blocks into shared memory. read is done at 32bit integers on a uchar array. each thread reads 3 integers(12byte) 96/12=8threads
    int sharedMemIdx = threadY * TILE_SHARED_MEM_WIDTH + 4 * threadX; 
    int globalMemIdx = (blockY * BLOCK_HEIGHT + threadY) * alignedImageWidth + blockX * BLOCK_WIDTH + 4 * threadX; 

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        leftImage [sharedMemIdx                        + i ] = d_leftImage [globalMemIdx                        + i];
        leftImage [sharedMemIdx + 4 * THREAD_NUM_WIDTH + i ] = d_leftImage [globalMemIdx + 4 * THREAD_NUM_WIDTH + i];
        leftImage [sharedMemIdx + 8 * THREAD_NUM_WIDTH + i ] = d_leftImage [globalMemIdx + 8 * THREAD_NUM_WIDTH + i];
        rightImage[sharedMemIdx                        + i ] = d_rightImage[globalMemIdx                        + i];
        rightImage[sharedMemIdx + 4 * THREAD_NUM_WIDTH + i ] = d_rightImage[globalMemIdx + 4 * THREAD_NUM_WIDTH + i];
        rightImage[sharedMemIdx + 8 * THREAD_NUM_WIDTH + i ] = d_rightImage[globalMemIdx + 8 * THREAD_NUM_WIDTH + i];


    int imageIdx = sharedMemIdx + TILE_BOUNDARY_WIDTH - WINDOW_RADIUS;
    int partialSumIdx = threadY * BLOCK_WIDTH + 4 * threadX;

    for(int dispLevel = MIN_DISPARITY; dispLevel <= MAX_DISPARITY; dispLevel++) {

        // horizontal partial sum
        partialDiffSumTemp = 0;
        #pragma unroll
        for(int i = imageIdx - WINDOW_RADIUS; i <= imageIdx + WINDOW_RADIUS; i++) {
                    //partialDiffSumTemp += calcDiff(leftImage [i], rightImage[i - dispLevel]);
                      partialDiffSumTemp += abs(leftImage[i] - rightImage[i - dispLevel]);
        partialDiffSum[partialSumIdx] = partialDiffSumTemp;


        for (int pixelNum = 1, i = imageIdx - WINDOW_RADIUS; pixelNum < NUM_PIXEL_PER_THREAD; pixelNum++, i++) {
            partialDiffSum[partialSumIdx + pixelNum] = partialDiffSum[partialSumIdx + pixelNum - 1] + 
                                                       abs(leftImage[i + WINDOW_SIZE] - rightImage[i - dispLevel + WINDOW_SIZE]) -
                                                       abs(leftImage[i]               - rightImage[i - dispLevel]);


        // vertical sum
        if(threadY >= WINDOW_RADIUS && threadY < TILE_SHARED_MEM_HEIGHT - WINDOW_RADIUS) {

            for (int pixelNum = 0; pixelNum < NUM_PIXEL_PER_THREAD; pixelNum++) {
                int rowIdx = partialSumIdx - WINDOW_RADIUS * BLOCK_WIDTH;
                partialDiffSumTemp = 0;

                    for(int i = -WINDOW_RADIUS; i <= WINDOW_RADIUS; i++,rowIdx += BLOCK_WIDTH) {
                           partialDiffSumTemp += partialDiffSum[rowIdx + pixelNum];

                    if (partialDiffSumTemp < lowestDist[pixelNum]) {
                        lowestDist[pixelNum]    = partialDiffSumTemp;
                        bestDisparity[pixelNum] = dispLevel - 1;



    if (threadY >= WINDOW_RADIUS && threadY < TILE_SHARED_MEM_HEIGHT - WINDOW_RADIUS && blockY < 32) {

        d_disparityLeft[globalMemIdx + TILE_BOUNDARY_WIDTH - WINDOW_RADIUS + 0] = bestDisparity[0];
        d_disparityLeft[globalMemIdx + TILE_BOUNDARY_WIDTH - WINDOW_RADIUS + 1] = bestDisparity[1];
        d_disparityLeft[globalMemIdx + TILE_BOUNDARY_WIDTH - WINDOW_RADIUS + 2] = bestDisparity[2];
        d_disparityLeft[globalMemIdx + TILE_BOUNDARY_WIDTH - WINDOW_RADIUS + 3] = bestDisparity[3];


Thanks for all the help



There are 1 answers

doqtor On

From my experience NVidia GPUs not always crash on out of bound access and many times kernel still returns expected results.

Use printf to check the indexes. If you have Nvidia OpenCL 1.2 driver installed printf should be available as a core function. As far as I checked Mali-T628 uses OpenCL 1.1 then check if printf is available as a vendor extension. Also you can run your kernel on AMD/Intel CPU where printf is available (OpenCL 1.2 / 2.0).

Alternative way of checking indexes can be passing __global int* debug array where you would store indexes and then check them on the host. Make sure to allocate it big enough so that out of bound index will be recorded.