I am looking for free and open source spell checking libraries (could check whether spelling is correct for a given string, and any suggested corrections for a mis-spelled string), which could be easily integrated into Java program on Linux. English language spell checking is a must requirement,spell checking for other languages is a better to have requirement.
Any suggestions?
BTW: libraries for C/C++ is also ok.
GNU Aspell is a LGPL spelling library that you can use but it's implemented in C++. Although I haven't used it there's a Java library called Jazzy that aims to be a Java re-implementation of Aspell. It's a fairly old project but it looks like it still works.
Just discovered that Hunspell is a better project for spell checking. It powers Open Office.org, Firefox and Google Chrome. There's also a project with that supplies JNA wrappers so you can use it in Java.