I downloaded a data set which is supposed to be in RDF format http://iw.rpi.edu/wiki/Dataset_1329, using Notepad++ I opened it but can't read it. Any suggestions?
Open linked data_a data set
179 views Asked by Majed Sadi At
There are 2 answers

Try Google Refine (possibly with RDF extension: http://lab.linkeddata.deri.ie/2010/grefine-rdf-extension/ )
The file, uncompressed, is about 140MB. Notepad++ is probably failing due to the size of the file. The RDF format used in this dataset is Ntriples, one triple per line with three components (subject, predicate, object), very human readable. Sample data from the file:
If you want to have a look at the data then try to open it with a tool that streams the file rather than loading it all at once, for instance
.If you want to use the data you might want to look into loading it in a triple store (4store, Virtuoso, Jena TDB, ...) and use SPARQL to query it.