SOLVED: see my answer below
I am trying to open .tif, .img, and .dat Raster files to a new layer in ArcMap.
I have tried all the methods I have found in the documentation and a few implementations on StackOverflow.
This is the current code:
File file = new File(output);
IWorkspaceFactory wsFactory = (IWorkspaceFactory)new RasterWorkspaceFactory();
IRasterWorkspace2 rasterWS = (IRasterWorkspace2)wsFactory.openFromFile(file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(),0);
IRasterDataset rds = rasterWS.openRasterDataset(output);
IRasterLayer rasterLayer = new RasterLayer();
IActiveView activeView = mxDocument.getActiveView();
IMap _map = activeView.getFocusMap();
This code throws no error messages, but it does not open the layer. Previous implementations that I took from sample programs and documentation for arcObjects 10.2 throw exceptions on this line:
RasterDataset rasterDataset = (RasterDataset) rasterWorkspace.openRasterDataset(file.getAbsolutePath());
The only lead I have right now is the ControlsAddDataCommand class to possibly call the command for opening the files and give the filepath as input. Build a custom command to open the file?
Note: The files open fine by clicking the addData option on the Layer menu.
Found this code by browsing the JavaDoc Tooltips in Eclipse.
Just type in the object and a "." Eclipse will show all the options available.
I'm amazed this code snippet wasn't listed anywhere online (that I found in about 8 hours of searching). Anyways, that's the simple 3 line solution!