I'm running into some issues with ChromeCustomTabs, although it might just be a misunderstanding on my end. I have an app where I have the option to open three links, an instagram page, facebook page, and a twitter page. Now, I chose to use custom tabs since it shares credentials with the system and so I won't have to ask the user to login when hitting these pages.
The problem is that facebook and twitter open in a new window, when I really need to get it to open in app where my menus are still available. Is this possible, or is a webview the only way to get a webpage to open in-app?
If this is the case, is there a way to get the links to open without prompting a user if they'd rather launch in chrome or in the native app?
I would like to avoid having to implement a webview with OAuth calls for easy logins if possible.
I tried the simple-chrome-custom-tabs for my project. It could be download from https://github.com/novoda/simple-chrome-custom-tabs. There are many parameters which could be used to customize the UI. Hope it works for you.