I am trying to open the source view of one large .aspx file in two separate windows/tabs in Visual Studio 2013. The "Window > New Window" option is greyed out for this file type.
I am able to do this with other file types including .cs, .css, .js, etc.
I have tried the suggestions in Open two instances of a file in single Visual Studio session including the registry edit and the custom keyboard shortcut without success. Is there a specific registry hack or some other solution for .aspx files?
Just to clarify, I am not looking to "split" the file. My end goal is to have two copies of the file open in different vertical tab groups.
It is not supported for .aspx files. You can enable the New Window command setting HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0_Config\Languages\Language Services\HTML\Single Code Window Only=0, but opening the second window gives you a blank view.