Open an XML file in Codeblocks (C++) using pugixml

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I've been looking for how to parse an xml file using codeblocks and the library pugixml but I've tried different ways and it still doesn't work.

The XML I have to parse consists on a graph (houses) and my program in C++ is to represent this graph using structs.

XML file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <PEREZ> 254 </PEREZ>
  <SANTOS> 222 </SANTOS>
    <CENTER> 121 </CENTER>
    <WATSON> 125 </WATSON>
    <SANTOS> 55 </SANTOS>
    <WATSON> 254 </WATSON>
    <CENTER> 110 </CENTER>


The code in C++: (the important part :) )

int main(){
    pugi::xml_document file;

    if (!file.load_file("Sample.xml")){
    cout << "Error loading file XML." << endl;
    return -1;
    pugi::xml_node node;
    return 0;

void getNodeInfo(xml_node node){
    for (xml_node_iterator it = node.begin(); it != node.end(); ++it)
        cout << it->name() << "\n--------\n";
        for (xml_attribute_iterator ait = it->attributes_begin(); ait != it->attributes_end(); ++ait)
            cout << " " << ait->name() << ": " << ait->value() << endl;
        cout << endl;
        for (xml_node_iterator sit = node.begin(); sit != node.end(); ++sit)

Please tell me, what could be the mistake in the code? It always goes into the if condition, I mean, it doesn't load the file. Thank you!


There are 1 answers

Galik On

I noticed a couple of errors.

First you are sending an empty node to your function so it has nothing to work on. You should send the file you loaded instead:

int main()
    pugi::xml_document file;

    xml_parse_result res;
    if(!(res = file.load_file("test.xml")))
        cout << "Error loading file XML: " << res.description() << endl;
        return -1;

    pugi::xml_node node; // you are sending an EMPTY node
    // getNodeInfo(node);

    // Send the file you just loaded instead

    return 0;

Also you have a weird loop within a loop thing going on in your function. You are already looping over the node's children, no need for the inner loop over the same children:

void getNodeInfo(xml_node node)
    for(xml_node_iterator it = node.begin(); it != node.end(); ++it)
        cout << it->name() << "\n--------\n";
//      system("PAUSE");
        for(xml_attribute_iterator ait = it->attributes_begin();
        ait != it->attributes_end(); ++ait)
            cout << " " << ait->name() << ": " << ait->value() << endl;
        cout << endl;
// You are already in a loop for this node so no need for this
//      for(xml_node_iterator sit = node.begin(); sit != node.end(); ++sit)
//      {
//          getNodeInfo(*sit);
//      }

        // just use the iterator you are already looping over

Finally your XML data is not well formed. It needs an all embracing tag like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <WATSON att="att1">
        <PHILIPS> 125 </PHILIPS>
        <PEREZ> 254 </PEREZ>
        <SANTOS> 222 </SANTOS>
        <CENTER> 121 </CENTER>
        <WATSON> 125 </WATSON>
        <SANTOS> 55 </SANTOS>
        <WATSON> 254 </WATSON>
        <CENTER> 110 </CENTER>

Hope that helps.