OnScrolled in LazyColumnFor ( Jetpack Compose )

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Has anyone found an equivalent of onScrolled(@NonNull RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) in LazyColumnFor?


There are 3 answers

Mohammad Sianaki On

with 1.0.0-alpha12 It should be what you want:

    val scrollCallback = object : ScrollCallback {
    override fun onCancel() {

    override fun onScroll(scrollDistance: Float): Float {
        return super.onScroll(scrollDistance)

    override fun onStart(downPosition: Offset) {

    override fun onStop(velocity: Float) {
    modifier = Modifier.scrollGestureFilter(scrollCallback, Orientation.Vertical),
    items = listOf("")
) { item ->

Patryk Kubiak On

You can get the position of a first item by adding an onGloballyPositioned https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/layout/OnGloballyPositionedModifier option to the first item's modifier.

It returns:

  • an initial position after layout creation
  • an updated position every time during a scroll event

The LayoutCoordinates object inside the lambda let you get:

  • positionInParent()
  • positionInRoot()
  • positionInWindow()

To get an x or y from the LazyColumn/LazyRow you can use this part of code:

        val initialLayoutY: MutableState<Float?> = rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(null) }
            text = "Lorem",
            modifier = Modifier.onGloballyPositioned { layoutCoordinates ->
                if (initialLayoutY.value == null) {
                    initialLayoutY.value = layoutCoordinates.positionInRoot().y

                val currentTextLayoutY: Float = layoutCoordinates.positionInRoot().y
                val currentLazyListY: Float = initialLayoutY.value!! - currentTextLayoutY
                Log.e("Lazy Column y", currentLazyListY.toString())

Unfortunately, it skips a lot of values during fast scrolling. Here is a result:

Result from onGloballyPositioned function

Gabriele Mariotti On

It is not exactly onScrolled.

You can use LazyListState#isScrollInProgress to check if the list is currently scrolling by gesture, fling or programmatically or not.

val itemsList = (0..55).toList()

val state = rememberLazyListState()
val scrollInProgress: Boolean by remember {
    derivedStateOf {

if (scrollInProgress){
    //....do something

LazyColumn(state = state) {
    items(itemsList) {