OneNote API Get Notebooks issue

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The following is a sample schema from the OneNote API documentation at this site and will can be used with with no problems.

  "createdBy": "user name",
  "createdTime": "2013-10-05T10:57:00.683Z",
  "id": "notebook ID",
  "isDefault": false,
  "isShared": false,
  "lastModifiedBy": "user name",
  "lastModifiedTime": "2014-01-28T18:49:00.47Z",
  "links": {
    "oneNoteClientUrl": {
      "href": "onenote:https://{client URL}"
    "oneNoteWebUrl": {
      "href": "https://{web URL}"
  "name": "notebook name",
  "sectionGroupsUrl": "{notebook ID}/sectionGroups",
  "sectionsUrl": "{notebook ID}/sections",
  "self": "{notebook ID}",
  "userRole": "Contributor"

However, using the following Get Notebooks link has a different schema that doe

sn't pass json2csharp. Parsing your JSON didn't work. Please make sure it's valid.


createdBy and lastmodifiedBy are thrown as exceptions.

The sample from the app uses the link and has the correct schema.

How do I resolve this discrepancy? Or am I mistaken?


There are 1 answers

Manjusha On

The response payload returned from the Microsoft Graph API is slightly different from the response payload returned from the OneNote API directly.

Here's a reference to the notebook properties returned from Microsoft Graph:

And this is what gets returned from the OneNote API directly: => Response properties