I'm trying to post my model back to my mvc web api controller, and when it leaves my xamarin.forms method, my end date is there. Once I hit my breakpoint on the web api controller, the end date is the default "01/01/0001" and gives me an error. I'm not sure how to track this down and see where the problem is. I hit the breakpoint on the xamarin side and everything is correct. I go from there to the web api controller and end time is lost. My start time date is still there, I'm just losing one date and I have no idea why. I've tried Fiddler to capture whats being posted but can't see it from the xamarin.forms app. Is there another option to capture this? Am I missing something? Here are a couple screen shots showing the values right before it goes to the controller, and then at the controller:
Here is the code on each side:
public async void OnSaveClicked()
var url = BaseUrl + "/classapi/ClassEdit?"; //+ classToEdit.ToString();
//var client = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(url) };
var client = new RestClient
BaseUrl = url
var request = new RestRequest("", HttpMethod.Post)
ContentType = ContentTypes.Json,
ReturnRawString = true
request.AddParameter("class", classToEdit);
var result = await client.ExecuteAsync<string>(request);
classToEdit = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<m_class>(result);
if (classToEdit != null)
DisplayAlert("Class Edit", "Class was successfully saved.", "OK");
public int ClassEdit(t_class mobileClass)
mobileClass.color = "";
if (ModelState.IsValid)
db.Entry(mobileClass).State = EntityState.Modified;
return 1;
return 0;
I realized what was going on.... my date was called end_date on my MVC model and it was called end_time on my mobile model. It was going from web to mobile just fine, but trying to send it back to the API, it didn't like the name difference.