Oldest video from channel uploads or sort order for playlistItems method

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Is there any options to retrieve a very first (older one) video from the channel? Sort order parameter will be very helpful in this case, but i can't find any (orderby - doesn't work).

In v2 API i can set start-index equal to number of uploads and just get the very first video, as well as any videos from the middle of the uploads list. Another profit - i have options to use multiple async requests or multicurl and get all videos from the channel at once.

Looks like in v3 of API the only way to do that - parsing playlistItems requests one by one using PageToken and nextPageToken parameters. Right?


There are 1 answers

theduck On

Currently, there is no way to sort the results of playlistItems:List without bringing down all the results from YouTube and then sorting them manually (as you suggested). The lack of a sort option does seem like a significant limitation and would be very useful to a lot of different applications!

You can track the associated enhancement request here:
