I created a simple SVG in Adobe Illustrator and then I save it as a SVG:
I then upload this SVG to glyphter.com and it looks perfectly centered:
I then drop the .svg file generated by the Glyphter download into fontello and I use it in my website but all the ones I generate are offset like this:
Does anyone know why the offset is there? Shouldn't it be cenetered?
I even tried making my SVG graphic save with artboards and i used artboards of height and width the same so its a square.
As mentioned in the comments, you can use FontForge for low-level control of the glyphs in almost any font.
This is a good manual for installing and using FontForge:
The information you will probably need for this specific issue is here:
Bulk centering all glyphs:
on your keyboard, thenThe following screen-shots illustrate the last 3 points in sequence - mentioned above:
When you're done, select File -> Generate Fonts from the top-menu and choose the font-type you want, choose the target folder, and hit Save.