My setup: I have installed and configured Office Online Server (OOS) on win 2016 server as a virtual machine running HyperV on laptop windows 10. The OOS is a member of a domain, managed by a domain controller (DC) which is also itself another VM managed by the same HyperV. The OOS, DC and the Windows 10 are accessible via a HyperV internal LAN switch. In other words, the OOS is also accessible from the laptop. My output: I do get the discovery xml-like output, meaning that initial setup appear to be ok. I followed this page for test viewing documents, particularly at step 5 of this document offers copying of test files to "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\OpenFromUrlWeb" folder on the web server (OOS) which I did. However when I run "http://xxx/op/test.pptx" the said file is downloaded rather than being viewed. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
This is actually expected behavior. The IIS is not applying any processing for the *.pptx files.
The correct URL should look something like this: