odoo/openerp server configuration option "--load"

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I wondered what exactly --load option does in odoo in server "help" i able to find only this line which doesn't explains fully about option,

--load=SERVER_WIDE_MODULES(Comma-separated list of server-wide modules.)

and what are server-wide modules?? and what is benefit of using this option ???


There are 1 answers

Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd. On

Server wide modules means which has loaded or installed at server wide.

Ex :modules like web/web_kanban

When you start odoo then first time you will open link like : http://localhost:9090/web/database/selector

It means you did not created any database but web module is loaded automatically when odoo is starting.

You can add other module as server wise modules using following method.

  1. Using Load: Run your Odoo server with option

--load=web,web_kanban,custom_server_wide_module option while running server if you do not want to specify on Odoo configuration file (odoo-server.conf)

  1. Using Config File: In configuration file (odoo-server.conf), you have to specify key for server_wide_modules as below:

server_wide_modules = web,web_kanban,custom_server_wide_module

This may help you.