I'm new in this community and I setting up Odoo Community version for my little comapny. I does all the things just doesn't know how to set up num2words to show Total Amount in Invoice Reports!
I found num2words api in res_currency.py in Base/Modules but I spend two days researching how to connect and nothing. What I have to inherite and how and also what to put in invoice document qweb?
I made module like this:
from num2words import num2words
class account_invoice(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.invoice"
def amount_to_text(self, amount):
def _num2words(number, lang):
return num2words(number, lang=lang).title()
except NotImplementedError:
return num2words(number, lang='en').title()
if num2words is None:
logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("The library 'num2words' is missing, cannot render textual amounts.")
return ""
formatted = "%.{0}f".format(self.decimal_places) % amount
parts = formatted.partition('.')
integer_value = int(parts[0])
fractional_value = int(parts[2] or 0)
lang_code = self.env.context.get('lang') or self.env.user.lang
lang = self.env['res.lang'].search([('code', '=', lang_code)])
amount_words = tools.ustr('{amt_value} {amt_word}').format(
amt_value=_num2words(integer_value, lang=lang.iso_code),
if not self.is_zero(amount - integer_value):
amount_words += ' ' + _('and') + tools.ustr(' {amt_value} {amt_word}').format(
amt_value=_num2words(fractional_value, lang=lang.iso_code),
return amount_words
Got error like this:
Error to render compiling AST
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'currency_id'
Template: account.report_invoice_document_with_payments
Path: /templates/t/t/div/p[1]/span
Node: <span t-if="doc.currency_id" t-esc="doc.currency_id.amount_to_text(doc.amount_total)"/>
In QWeb I put this:
<span t-if="doc.currency_id" t-esc="doc.currency_id.amount_to_text(doc.amount_total)"/>
Thank you in advance!
In your case "currency_id" is a Many2one field. The 'res.currency' model does not contain the class 'amount_to_text' function.
You have written amount_to_text function in 'account.invoice' model. So change your like this,
OR(if you don't have currency_id field in your object)