ODE with stochastic time dependent input

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I am trying to repeat an example I found in a paper.

I have to solve this ODE:

25 a + 15 v + 330000 x = p(t)

where p(t) is a white noise sequence band-limited into the 10-25 Hz range; a is the acceleration, v is the velocity and x the displacement.

Then it says the system is simulated using a Runge-Kutta procedure. The sampling frequency is set to 1000 Hz and a Gaussian white noise is added to the data in such a way that the noise contributes to 5% of the signal r.m.s value (how do I use this last info?).

The main problem is related to the band-limited white noise. I followed the instructions I found here https://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/9654/how-to-generate-band-limited-gaussian-white-noise and I wrote the following code:

% White noise excitation
% design FIR filter to filter noise in the range [10-25] Hz
Fs = 1000; % sampling frequency

% Time infos (for white noise)
T = 1/Fs;
tspan = 0:T:4; % I saw from the plots in the paper that the simulation last 4 seconds
tstart = tspan(1);
tend = tspan (end);

b = fir1(64, [10/(Fs/2) 25/(Fs/2)]);
% generate Gaussian (normally-distributed) white noise
noise = randn(length(tspan), 1);
% apply filter to yield bandlimited noise
p = filter(b,1,noise);

Now I have to define the function for the ode, but I do not know how to give it the p (white noise)...I tried this way:

function [y] = p(t)
    b = fir1(64, [10/(Fs/2) 25/(Fs/2)]);
    % generate Gaussian (normally-distributed) white noise
    noise = randn(length(t), 1);
    % apply filter to yield bandlimited noise
    y = filter(b,1,noise);

odefun = @(t,u,m,k1,c,p)[u(2); 1/m*(-k1*u(1)-c*u(2)+p(t))];

[t,q,te,qe,ie] = ode45(@(t,u)odefun2(t,u,m,k2,c,@p),tspan,q0,options);

The fact is that the input excitation does not work properly: the natural frequency of the equation is around 14 Hz so I would expect to see the resonance in the response since the white noise is in the range 10-25 Hz.

I had a look at this Q/A also, but I can't still make it works:

How solve a system of ordinary differntial equation with time-dependent parameters

Solving an ODE when the function is given as discrete values -matlab-


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