ODE fitting with Python - least squares takes to long to compute

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I'm trying to replicate the results of "Modeling Plasma Virus Concentration during Primary HIV Infection", by fitting the data sets to my ODE. Essencially I need to fit 4 parameters (d, k, delta, p) to a dif. equation given a data set.

Up until now I got the following code done (I'm a begginer):

c = 3 #global constant 
v0= 10e-6


xdata = timeDataPatient1
ydata = VirDataPatient1

#inicial condition and max time of data set
IC = [10,0,10e-6]
t_max = max(xdata)

def diffeqs(t,y,d,k,delta,p):
    '''Model of the differencial equation'''
    global lam, c
    dT = 10*d - d*T-k*T*V
    dI = k*T*V - delta*I
    dV = p*I-c*V
    return [dT,dI,dV]

def Vtime(theta):
    '''solves the differencial equation, and returns the values of the model on the time points corresponding to the data set'''

    global t_max, IC, xdata
    sol = solve_ivp(diffeqs, (0,t_max), IC, args = (theta),t_eval=xdata)
    return sol.y[2]

#now I define the objetive function to minimize. For a parameter theta, that corresponds to d,k,delta,p in the ODE model,it calculates the difference between the log of the data given and the predicts by the ODE model.
def calcErrorHIV(theta):
    '''objetive function given in the paper'''
    global ydata
    dif = np.log(ydata)-np.log(Vtime(theta))
    return sum(dif**2)

#should return theta parameters that best fits the data, but It doesn't compute.

but when I try to run the otimize or least_squares function I get no result.

Does my code have a problem or the 4 parameters problem takes a long time to solve?

Thanks for the help.

Edit: I tried the inicial guess [0.013,0.46 10*(-3),0.40,980]

Edit2: Added extra info about the problem.


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